2016년 12월 7일 수요일

10 days happiness project day 8

Today, December 7, It was the last day of our project

Our roommates were almost running out of soap

So I bought and brought it on the bathroom shelf

From this project, I learned that doing a big and expensive thing is not meaningful if

giver's mind doesn't pass to other person

Me and my roommates had a great time during this project and we were closer than


It was a great experience!

10 days happiness project day 7

Today, December 4, one of my roommates DongSeop returned to our room

Since DongSeop is an engineering student, he takes a lot of tests and always lacks sleep

So I gave him a cup of coffee to get him refreshed

He thanked me for giving him coffee

Doing a small but heart-touching action can bring big happiness

10 days happiness project day 6

Today, December 3, one of my roommates, JeongSoo, returned to our room

I knew that he liked eating snacks but I haven't gave him presents personally

So, by conducting my 10 days happiness project, I gave him delicious snack

I didn't know that giving some gifts can bring happiness not only for him but also to me

10 days happiness project day 5

Today, December 2, my roommates haven't returned to our room yet

So I visited my Chinese neighbor to whom I haven't talked.

Although we never talked to each other, he seemed to like my gift

I realized that giving small gift can bring happiness

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 8th day!

Today, December 7th was the last they of our projects.
Through this project the time we have toghther is definetely increased naturally.
We will soon part with each others. It's really sad.
Until the last day in Song-do we will live closer in every day.
Of course, we will be in touch with each others in Sin-chon too!
What a great relationship!!!

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 7th day!

I like drinking so-ju and beer. Because, when I have drinking time with friends we could talk sincerely and we could understand each other better. So I have had so many times with drinking since last semester. But I did not have experience with my room-mates.
At <December 6th> we drank beer in our room together for the first time.

As expected, it was effective. We became more understand each other!

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 6th day!

<December 5th>

At thr dinner, With my roommate sae-yeon I took a walk along a soccer field. Actually, me and my roommates have not had much time outside our room. It was very cold weather. But our feeling get freshed.

Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 5th-day

<December 3rd>

My roommates went to their home. Although Sae-yeon's home is Kwang-ju which is very far from Incheon, He visited his room during the weekend. So, I decided to make my neighborhood Jung wook! He lives nearby my room. He became my friend theough last semester's kyla class.

I think kyla will glad to see Jung wook's face.
Jung wook is really nice guy. I would like to be in touch with him long!

2016년 12월 6일 화요일

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 4th day!

<December 2nd>

For the first time in this semester, we had dinner toghether.
Because that was our first experience, it was little weird,
But definetely I could feel that all of us were tring to make our relationship better.
Mt heart became warmer than before.

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 3rd day!

December 1st

That day, one of my room-mates sae-yeon was very sick because of cold.
He just slept during the whole day. It was sad for me just to see his painful figure.

So, at the afternoon I brought him a warm drinks.
I hoped that my friends improved in health.

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 2nd day!

November 30th

My room was very dirty. Because no one have not took out the garbage.
Unfortunately, We have found some bugs in our room.
To make my room-mates happy, I decided to make our room's hygiene better.

Their reactions was impressive.

They looks like the most happiest people in the YONSEI UNIV.

2016년 12월 5일 월요일

10 days happiness project day 4

Today, December 1, my roommates went home since it is Friday.

So I visited my neighbor and gave him a snack

He seemed to be happy and I think he liked my present

10 days happiness project day 3

Today, November 31, me and my roommates ran out of tissue

So I put my private tissue as a temporary solution, then brought new tissue on a bathroom

I think my roommates would like it

2016년 11월 30일 수요일

10 days happiness project day 2

Today, Novemver 30th, I bought my roommates delicious meal

My roommates like to eat outside, but we haven't had much time to go out together

It was very happy and pleasurable time

2016년 11월 29일 화요일

(Seong Jin) 10 days happiness project- 1st day!

We share same places and same times with room-mates.
So, There have been much grateful mind to them.
By this reason, we want to make our most closest people happy.
Me and Hyun min will share ideas and review for room-mates happiness during 10days.

Today, novemver 29th I gave them delicious tangerines.
Because in Song-do, taking viatamin is well missed.
They take them with laughing.
It was really warm and funny time because of small gift.

10 days happiness project- day 1

We planned the 10-days-happyness-project to make our roommates happy

For the first day of the project I washed our bathroom

It was quite hard, but making my roommates happy was worth it